It's equally disturbing when no apology is given whatsoever, dehumanizing the person harmed. An example was one I experienced; the severe impact of an abuser who was also a fraud, was ignored by a senior administrator being questioned by a reporter, who asked what the university was intending to do about the harm people suffered. His statement deflected the question by attrubuting the harm done to human beings as 'collateral damage'.

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Brad Barber’s recent post about his role in the amicus brief is an example of an apology that asks for sympathy.

He didn’t actually say he was asking for sympathy; but because he wrote so much about how busy he was and how the demands of his job and the demands of the legal firm (“You must sign this today!”) didn’t allow him to give proper attention to the amicus brief, Brad was in essence asking for sympathy.

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Wade, thank you for continuing to shine a light on these issues.

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